"Skyway" (C) Sound of Light Design - click on the image to see more pictures of the amazing artist

Thursday, April 30, 2015

Your Heart and your life are communicating vessels

Take 5 minutes for yourself! J FIND OUT HOW YOUR HEART (yes, your Heart) CAN HELP YOU CREATE WHAT’S BEST FOR YOU IN THE WORLD. There is a simple solution for having all happiness in life. Relax and listen to this few-minute recording.  The time you spend with yourself is worth millions J <3

Saturday, April 25, 2015

The 2nd Universal Law – ‘The Law of Originating, Growing and Passing’

THERE IS A DESIGN TO HOW THE PHYSICAL WORLD FUNCTIONS :) The 2nd Universal Law – ‘The Law of Originating, Growing and Passing’ – gives us a chance to experience the beauty of our Hearts – which is the only lasting thing in the material world. Empires rise, blossom and fall. Fortunes which flourish, crash overnight. Mindsets – such as whole civilizations, develop and then disappear. All that is born and alive, every single organism, plant, animal, human, stone, planets and stars – comes to its inevitable physical end. There is no tragedy in it – it is the simple nature of things :) Thanks to the cycle of life, we can experience our own existence – measured by both: time and our own Heart :) :)
All that is material is a subject to time – this way or another. And, of course, what isn’t material – knows no time – according both to science and thousands-of years-old philosophical and mystical views. When there is no time – what is there left and how does the ‘Law or Originating, Growing and Passing’ work? According to science (quantum physics) - we are a part of a huge Energy field with endless possibilities. Each of us exists in that field as an individual consciousness, at the same time being a part of the entire field. NOTE: we are not talking here about the consciousness of the senses – but the consciousness that can be compared to a current/signal that expresses itself in the material world. As such, we can only perpetuate our existence if we continue to develop.
Here is what’s really important to remember: OUR DEVELOPMENT DEPENDS ON THE VISION OF OUR HEART. I use the word “Heart” to describe the core of your essence, your “pure inner person”. The part of you, where you hold your Own, Beautiful Truth, free of any conditioning and fears :) <3
And this is how the ‘Law of Originating, Growing and Passing’ affects that, which is no subject to time: what continues to grow  – will not pass where there is no time. What does not evolve – passes. It is a simple and beautiful truth: take care of your Heart; let it continue to be - in the huge field of Energy. Your Heart is needed by all of us <3
The Universal Laws are the same for all of us – affecting us with no exception, whether we are aware of it or not.
Why not learn how to use them, in order to better our lives, and the lives of those around us.
Yes, we can J We are all capable of living the beauty of our Hearts  :) <3
The Law of Cause and Effect / Cause and Solution
The Law of Originating, Growing and Passing
The Law of Reduction and Expansion
The Law of Appearances
The Law of Chain Reaction
The Law of Self-Direction
The Law of Matrix and Volume
                             The Law of Infinity
Next time I will talk about the ‘The Law of Reduction and Expansion’ :)
NOTE: If you missed it - see my post from April 14 – a simple/in a nutshell explanation of how, according to science, we create and co-create our “reality” and how it relates to what mystics and philosophers have been saying for thousands of years :)
More detailed information about the Universal Laws you can find in the book “Master and The Green-Eyed Hope”.

Wednesday, April 22, 2015

The first Universal Law - 'The Law of Cause and Effect / Cause and Solution'

IN THE ENDLESS FIELD OF ENERGY AND POSSIBILITIES THAT WE ARE A PART OF – every single Thought counts as an action. That means: not only our deeds, but also thoughts materialize in the physical world. Scary? Only if you don’t understand the 8 Universal Laws for Energy, or choose to ignore them :) :) The 1st Universal Law is ‘The Law of Cause and Effect (Cause and Solution)’. Science (mathematics, physics, chemistry, biology) teaches us that every action has an effect. The same principle – that is ‘Cause and Effect’ – has been taught by every philosophy and religion.
We tend to believe that action means only a physical doing. Yet according to the 1st of the 8 Universal Laws - every single thought results in an outcome, and is considered an action. No exceptions. It’s enough to remember that. In order to avoid mistakes – listen to what’s inside your Heart. All fears, doubts and negativity reside outside of your Heart, and can easily occupy your Mind. The good news is that thoughts can be changed. Start with small steps: one day at a time. When a negative thought comes to Mind tell it “Stop!” – as many times as you need. Then say to yourself: “This is only a thought, and thoughts can be changed. I can think any thoughts I choose. I choose to think thoughts free of fear and negativity.” Then think of something really nice. Slowly, you will learn to replace negative thoughts with pleasant ones. Remember to look into your Heart before you act. Let your Heart speak – its vision is bigger than your vision of yourself and the world. For the purpose of this teaching, I use the word “Heart” to describe the core of your essence, your “pure inner person”. The part of you, where you hold your Own, Beautiful Truth, free of any conditioning and fears :) <3
Remember ‘The Law of Cause and Effect’ works with no exceptions: if you decide to change your thoughts – that’s how it’s going to be. Take your time - step by step - that always works the best J J
The Universal Laws are the same for all of us – affecting us all the time, whether we are aware of it or not.
Why not learn how to use them, in order to better our lives, and the lives of those around us.
Yes, we can J We are all capable of living the beauty of our Hearts :) <3
The Law of Cause and Effect / Cause and Solution
The Law of Originating, Growing and Passing
The Law of Reduction and Expansion
The Law of Appearances
The Law of Chain Reaction
The Law of Self-Direction
The Law of Matrix and Volume
                             The Law of Infinity
Next time I will talk about the ‘The Law of Originating, Growing and Passing’ :)
NOTE: If you missed it - see my post from April 14 – a simple/in a nutshell explanation of how, according to science, we create and co-create our “reality” and how it relates to what mystics and philosophers have been saying for thousands of years :)
More detailed information about the Universal Laws you can find in the book “Master and The Green-Eyed Hope”.


The Universal Laws – continued: WE HAVE THE CAPACITY TO TURN OUR DESTINY AROUND BY A SIMPLE CHANGE OF HEART :) We don’t have to perpetuate what’s no longer satisfying. We have a choice to create our reality the way we want. When that happens, then truly, free choice is nothing else but what would be our Destiny anyway. Once we are conscious of what’s really best for us, we tend to choose what would be chosen :) In order to do so: we need to learn who we are, and how the consciousness that we are functions in the huge field of possibilities that is nothing else but Energy that we are a part of. I will talk about the next of the 8 Universal Laws for Energy - ‘The Law of Originating, Growing and Passing’ - this coming weekend :)
NOTE: If you missed it - see my post from April 14 – a simple/in a nutshell explanation of how, according to science, we create and co-create our “reality” and how it relates to what mystics and philosophers have been saying for thousands of years :)

Tuesday, April 14, 2015


Have you known that science confirms what mystics and philosophers have been saying for thousands of years? :) Yes. How about that? :)
Here is how it works:
All of physics, as we know it, is based on quantum theory, which is in turn the basis of one-third of our economy and its products. The fathers of quantum mechanics, Niels Bohr and Werner Heisenberg, jointly received the Noble prize for their work in 1965. Quantum mechanics became the most precise physical theory, and it not only explains everything from how the stars or sun shine, to why objects appear to be hard, but also gives us everything from computer chips, transistors, lasers to the atomic bombs.
The two basic principles of quantum theory are:
1.     Reality – is being created by an Observer.
2.     Connectedness - any things that have ever interacted are forever connected, “entangled.”
What does it mean?
It means that quantum theory shows us that the material/physical world, which we perceive through our senses – does not exist. It is an Illusion. What we see exists only in our, that is so called Observers’ brains, or more precisely in our Minds, which sum up the experiences of our senses – giving us the illusion of “reality”. AND – the connectedness means that we are all creating and co-creating our world not only for ourselves, but also for those with whom we are connected. That is all of nature, all of the universe, and people on the planet - because on the energy level we are connected with all that is, one way or another.
We all are part of a big Energy field that lets us create what we believe to be our “reality”.
How does it work?
Physicists Peter Higgs and Francois Englert – already in 1964 talked about the Energy field which gives mass to everything that passes through it: from planets and stars to the cells of human bodies.
Let’s have a quick look into how the Illusion works:
Everything that exists - is simply Energy. That includes all that is material, i.e. measurable by our senses, AND all that we can only perceive: that is our thoughts, emotions, electrons (yes, nobody ever has seen or weighed an electron) etc. All that exists, the Energy, manifests itself through waves and vibrations. It means that everything, on the smallest scale - vibrates.
Imagine, for instance, radio waves: the frequency of their vibrations decides about their quality, outreach etc.
Now imagine that: our thoughts are like radio waves. All that we think has a particular vibration, and because of that – depending on frequency of their vibrations – our thoughts have certain quality and outreach. And that decides how our thinking affects the “reality” (the illusion) that we create and co-create, whether we are aware of it or not.
Scary? Only if we are not familiar with the 8 Universal Laws for Energy. Once we understand and learn how to use them – all becomes simple and logical. Your life becomes better and you can change it any way you want – for yourself, and for others J
The Law of Cause and Effect / Cause and Solution
The Law of Originating, Growing and Passing
The Law of Reduction and Expansion
The Law of Appearances
The Law of Chain Reaction
The Law of Self-Direction
The Law of Matrix and Volume
                             The Law of Infinity
This coming weekend I will talk about ‘The Law of Cause and Effect’ (also called ‘The Law of Cause and Solution’) J
More detailed information about the Universal Laws you can find in the book “Master and The Green-Eyed Hope”.