"365 (+1) Affirmations to Create a Great Life":
Everyday inspiration to help you build your Great Life - no matter what your background, life situation, gender, age, beliefs or traditions. You can improve your life and career paths, financial situation, health, relationships, emotional issues and personal growth. No struggle, no sacrifices, no giving up what you love to do or have. All you need is to relax and let yourself enjoy each day while stepping into your Great Life.
“Shadowland, The Legend” — novel:
Based on the fantasy/family/adventure feature film, a
novelization by Johanna Kern & British Author, Roy Fitzsimmonds. In an entertaining way, this book explores personal and global Shadows, introducing both young and mature readers to the topic. Suitable for the entire family, ages: 12 and up.
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Alibris.co.uk, Adlibris.com.no, Adlibris.com.fi, Adlibris.com.se, Bokus.com,
Cdon.se, Bol.com, Saxo.com.dk, book.rediff.com, Powells.com, Booksamillion.com,
Abebooks.com, Valorebooks.com, Barnesandnoble.com and others
ELECTRONIC: Amazon - throughout the world (including all of America, Europe, Japan, Australia, Asia etc.) (as Kindle); Chapters.indigo.ca (as Kindle); Smashwords (as Kindle, Epub, LRF, Palm Doc - PDB); Barnes & Noble (as NOOK); Kobo (as iPhone, Android, eReaders, Desktop, Kobo arc, Tablets); Apple/Sony iBookstore (as Reader, PC /Mac, iOS, Android); Page Foundry (mobile ebook store apps for Android tablets & smart phones); Other outlets: including Library Direct (via Smashwords), Diesel, Baker & Tyler and more
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