research shows that people who are able to enjoy life on daily basis – without
having any special expectations as to how it should look like – easily achieve
success in their personal lives and careers.
the other hand those who think they can find happiness through their
achievements, quickly find out that they can never be really happier, despite
any achievements, any success. Joy of life – is the true key to success. Joy of
living is the life’s purpose, and the most sought after reward. All of us are
born naturally curious of life, and inherently joyful. Many of us however often
lose our joy because of various conditions: personal experiences, social/economic predicaments, or imposed religious beliefs that deny humans joy
of life (some belief systems recommend denying our own joyous nature, and implementing fear, or even suffering, instead).
is a simple way to reprogram our way of thinking, allowing us to return to our
innate natural joy of life:
every day find three small things for which you can be grateful ( thank for
them the world, yourself, others, God, Universe - whomever you wish, depending on what’s your belief). You might be grateful, for instance, for a child's smile, a
sunny day, good breakfast etc. However, every day you need to thank for
something new! J
start a notebook, in which you will record on daily basis these three things: "I am today rejoicing ..." (specify what, and why).
every day take a 5 minute break from your work/routine – to either joyfully
dance, run, jump – or anything that will make you out of breath. J Such a brief, joyful
physical movement raises the levels of serotonin in the brain (a chemical
responsible for good feeling), helping us to deal with worries, depression etc. However,
for that purpose – do not exceed the 5 required minutes of joyful movement. Any strenuous exercise will
exhaust you instead of giving you joy.
each day take 20 minutes to relax: the best way is to either go to the garden,
park, be in the nature, with your eyes closed -- or at home, with headphones
on -- listening with your eyes closed to some recordings of ocean waves, a
murmuring stream etc. While you are listening to the sounds of nature (with
your eyes closed) – your brain switches to alpha waves. In such state, your
brain can be easily programmed for another way of thinking – joyous,
appreciative of life.
for six weeks, refrain from watching / listening / reading news about tragedies,
natural disasters, wars, crime scene, etc.
6 weeks of using this method, your brain switches to another, joyful approach
to life. And after six months, if you manage to persist with this method –
joyous living becomes your lifestyle. We wish you a wonderfully joyous day! J J
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