"Skyway" (C) Sound of Light Design - click on the image to see more pictures of the amazing artist

Monday, September 30, 2013

Conference in Warsaw

I had the great honor and pleasure to participate as a speaker in the third annual Power Days (Dni Siły) in Warsaw (Poland), in the conference room of Nicolaus Copernicus (held by ASDIMO group, Sept. 27-28, 2013) with my lecture on "Releasing the Power of the Subconscious and Shadow Transformation -- The Banner Method by Johanna Kern). What a great event! Thank you for the invitation!    
Johanna Kern

Sunday, September 29, 2013

We all live in Shadowland

My recent feature film, "Shadowland: The Legend" (fantasy/ mystery /adventure), explores the topics of creating one’s own destiny, and the ways of dealing with personal and global Shadows. I've been interested in the topic of Shadows for many years, and often say that we all live in Shadowland, this way or another.

What we don’t see, controls us from the subconscious: they are our own Shadows. Such name was first introduced by the famous Swiss psychologist Carl Gustav Jung. Everything that we resist about ourselves, or others, lives deep inside our subconscious in the form of Shadows. Those Shadows are made of all the dark, disowned, rejected energy. And they are very powerful. From that subconscious level, your Shadows have enormous power over you, even greater than your conscious fearful Emotions, any of your Body and Ego-driven desires, or the sensory logic of your Mind. When controlled by the Shadows, people react to others like robots, any time someone "pushes the button". The more you fight them, the stronger your Shadows grow. The bigger and firmer they become. You cannot fight or disarm them – and that’s because they are a part of you. You can only transform them.

When you are free from your Shadows, you live your life consciously and happily. You are a true powerhouse, with unlimited potential. “Shadow Transformation – The Banner Method by Johanna Kern” 
is designed to dissolve the blocks and transform the Shadows in order to unleash the true power of your subconscious. This easy and enjoyable method was developed by me over 20 years. It is based on my experience as a consultant in matters of health, spirituality, emotional problems, family, relationships, life and death, career and success, as well as my experience as filmmaker, working over the years with several thousands of people from all walks of life.

Saturday, September 21, 2013

All what we need is inside us

When we stop expecting from others what they’re not able to give us, we find all what we need inside ourselves. This does not mean that we have to be selfish in order to feel loved from the inside. It's not about being selfish, it’s not about the Ego pride and seeing oneself as better than others. Every human being is equally important and unique. One among billions. But often, at the bottom of our hearts, we feel worse than others, not good enough to deserve love, happiness or success. So we keep trying to prove to ourselves, and others, that we are better than them. This attitude is the result of our emotional wounds and low self-esteem. It is important to understand our own unique value and stop craving ongoing recognition from others -- while keeping in mind that just like everyone else, we too are unique. Not better, and not worse. Just like everybody else, we are beautiful, unique and special. Our happiness is not a prize in a “contest of life”. Such contest doesn’t exist. It is only an illusion which we keep recreating in our Minds. Happiness is our birth given right. And all we need is to accept it. We wish you a beautiful day, filled with ease and happiness. J

Monday, September 16, 2013

Life is a package full of gifts

Life is a package containing various experiences. All of them are wonderful gifts enabling us to become better, more beautiful and more conscious. Our life is a reflection of who we are becoming. So it’s important to live life to the fullest, and have an open heart. No matter what happens, no matter if we can get hurt. Nobody is able to maintain the state of happiness while running away from what life has to offer. Every day presents a new opportunity to accept and appreciate our unique experiences – eagerly, with courage, dignity and joy. It is good to express our gratitude for the gifts, in any way we want to – and to remember that tomorrow will bring us more gifts J More of the unique experiences designed especially for us, so that we will continue to grow, and become who we are becoming. We wish you all the most beautiful gifts today! J

Thursday, September 5, 2013

Unleash Your True Potential through Transmuting Your Shadows

Never resist who you have become thus far. Honor, accept, and observe who you are. Then you’ll be able to transmute, transform what you wish to change. Everything that you resist about yourself, or others, lives there in the form of Shadows, which grow deep inside your subconscious. Those Shadows are made of all the dark, disowned, rejected energy. And they are very powerful. From that subconscious level, your Shadows have enormous power over you, even greater than your conscious fearful Emotions, any of your Body and Ego-driven desires, or the sensory logic of your Mind. The more you fight them, the stronger your Shadows grow. The bigger and firmer they become. You cannot fight or disarm them, you can only transform them.

Shadows in our subconscious are the topic of Johanna Kern’s upcoming new book: "Unleash Your Power: Shadow Transformation – The Banner Method ". Based on twenty years of consulting and observation – a quick and enjoyable way to deal with your personal Shadows. Yes, you can do it, while having fun. Johanna Kern will talk about this method at the third edition of “Power Days”, held in Warsaw (Poland), September 27-28, 2013 -- organized by ASDIMO and headed by Iwona Majewska-Opielka.

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

We create our life the way we want: happy, medium happy, a bit happy, unhappy.

Happiness is a privilege that we give ourselves. No one else can give it to us, or take it away. We create our life the way we want: happy, medium happy, a bit happy, unhappy. 

There are several ways in which various people direct their lives:
-- give in to current trends/belief systems; or try to impose their current beliefs on others
-- submit to, and live according to beliefs that are propagated by the majority of their environment
-- succumb regime from the outside, following the rules of some authorities; or force their own opinions on the environment
-- take responsibility for their own lives. Decide their fate. 

It is not difficult to guess that the latter is most beneficial to the creation of our happiness. Of course, it is also wise to listen to good advice. However, we do not get the advice from a gardener, or a cook, when it comes to decisions about our car. And, when we want to buy or build a house -- we don’t ask our jeweler for help. 

Those who themselves don’t know how to be happy -- cannot help us build our happiness. Why follow the opinions of those who complain, criticize, ridicule others or gossip? Could they really be the best advisors in matters of happiness, joy, and life wisdom?

We are responsible for our happiness. Not others. 

When it comes to wise advisors in the matter of happiness, sometimes it’s enough to listen to our own heart, observe the joy of life in the abundance of nature, and look at those who truly enjoy their lives. 

There are also various helpful methods for those who need a bit help to get started. Last week we shared with you a simple and easy way to reprogram our way of thinking, allowing us to return to our innate natural joy of life.

As with any prescription – reading it, understanding it, or even learning it by heart – will not bring any results. Remember, that only commitment to any method – will result in success. Our brains need full 6 weeks, in order to create a new habit. And it takes 6 months for any behavior to become a lifestyle.

Once again, here is the simple method for learning happiness in only 6 weeks:
-- every day find three small things for which you can be grateful ( thank for them the world, yourself, others, God, Universe - whomever you wish, depending on what’s your belief). You might be grateful, for instance, for a child's smile, a sunny day, good breakfast etc. However, every day you need to thank for something new! ☺  
-- start a notebook, in which you will record on daily basis these three things: "I am today rejoicing ..." (specify what, and why).
-- every day take a 5 minute break from your work/routine – to either joyfully dance, run, jump – or anything that will make you out of breath. ☺ Such a brief, joyful physical movement raises the levels of serotonin in the brain (a chemical responsible for good feeling), helping us to deal with worries, depression etc. However, for that purpose – do not exceed the 5 required minutes of joyful movement. Any strenuous exercise will exhaust you instead of giving you joy.
-- each day take 20 minutes to relax: the best way is to either go to the garden, park, be in the nature, with your eyes closed -- or at home, with headphones on -- listening with your eyes closed to some recordings of ocean waves, a murmuring stream etc. While you are listening to the sounds of nature (with your eyes closed) – your brain switches to alpha waves. In such state, your brain can be easily programmed for another way of thinking – joyous, appreciative of life.
-- for six weeks, refrain from watching / listening / reading news about tragedies, natural disasters, wars, crime scene, etc.

After 6 weeks of using this method, your brain switches to another, joyful approach to life. And after six months, if you manage to persist with this method – joyous living becomes your lifestyle. We wish you a joyous day! :) :)