Whether any experience seems to us bitter
or sweet -- depends on us: bitter and sweet are just two sides of the same
coin, called life journey. We define our experiences ourselves, and we decide
whether we like them or not. Our perception and our reactions summarize our
experiences, giving them meaning and the emotional feel. If we distance
ourselves from our experiences, we realize that we can interpret them in
various ways: we can appreciate and enjoy every experience, or we can continue
to be selective and either like it or not, tolerate it, suffer from it, completely
reject or even hate it. Our own perception of the world has the largest impact
on how we feel in it. It is worth to keep in mind that there are no mistakes or
misunderstandings in our lives. Everything that we are going through, with no
exceptions, is very important for our development. Including our mistakes, our
emotions, reception, interpretation, reactions… everything is absolutely
priceless! The difference between our conscious and unconscious experience of
life is huge: when we live life more consciously, maintaining our distance to
each experience -- without automatic responses, without rejecting what we
perceive as " bitter, unpleasant , unnecessary" -- we are able to
reach the state of happiness and joy of life. We are able to develop faster,
while making conscious choices as to HOW we react to each experience... We wish
you all a beautiful day, full of the most wonderful experience ☺ ☺ ☺
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