Demystifying Life: how to live it, love it and have it. The
Big 7 in your life – Part 3.Your Heart and its vision.
Close your eyes, tight. Take a deep breath and hold on to
the moment of stillness and silence. Now imagine your world according to your
Heart. Not according to the noise of your Mind, the conditioning of your past,
your fear of life or what drives your Ego. Imagine your world the way you feel it,
deep inside your Heart.
The world according to your Heart, is the reality you truly
want and need to create for yourself – if you want to remain happy, reach
fulfillment and continue to progress as the consciousness that you are (you can
find out more about the consciousness that you are in Part 2 of this series, titled
“Your Mind”).
For the purpose of this teaching, we use the word “Heart” to
describe the core of your essence, your “pure inner person”. The part of you,
where you hold your Own, Beautiful Truth, free of any conditioning and fears.
Your Heart, as explained in such way, holds all the truths
that are important for you and your evolution. As such, it knows well what you
need to experience in life, what will most benefit your progress - when and
where you need to go.
If you carefully look at your life, past and present, you
might depict exactly the times when you have been living according to your
Heart, and when you have forsaken your Own Truth. When you live your life
according to the Vision of your Heart – you feel happy. There is no mistake
about that. We all know inside what real happiness means. It can’t be faked. Our
inner “Barometer of Truth” is always present and alert. It tells us when we
live according to our Heart, and when we divert from our Own Truth.
What happens if we don’t follow the Truth of our Heart?
It’s not only that we will feel a lack of happiness and purpose in our life.
It’s not only that our reality feels more like a burden than a playground for
our joy. It’s a life of struggle, whether inner struggle and stress or problems
piling on our path. When we live against what’s in our Heart we experience a
life of short-lived success. It could be that we are failing in private life – in
our relationships, family, or at work – where we cannot achieve lasting
success, we keep losing our jobs, or capital. We feel emptiness and fear as a drive
to achieve more materially, instead of reaching for our dream job, doing what
we truly love, thriving emotionally and physically.
Your life reflects the state of your Heart. Remember: Your
Heart and Your Life are communicating vessels. Happy Life equals Happy Heart.
Happy Heart equals Happy Life.
It’s simple math. And you know it.
You also know,
where to start: the liberation of all limitations begins in your Mind. Free
your Mind of past conditioning, and trust your Heart. It knows well what’s best
for you. Don’t be afraid of life, it is just life – a natural process, which
may be harmonious and joyous, if you only allow it. There is a simple solution
for happiness in life: replace your head/Mind
desires with your Heart driven ones. Make a commitment to yourself and let your
word be the most important asset you have. Treat it like gold and it will bring
you gold: each time you do what you say, you train yourself to be reliable.
Then you will be able to create what you want in the world.
Don’t be afraid of your Heart. The vision of your Heart is
bigger than Your Vision of the World and Your Vision of Yourself.
Trust your Heart, and you will find out what you’re
capable of, what’s your purpose and what it is that you truly want, and need,
to bring to the world.
The unique, true Vision of Your Heart is needed and
welcome to shine in the world, to make it a better place for you, and for all
of us.
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