"Skyway" (C) Sound of Light Design - click on the image to see more pictures of the amazing artist

Saturday, June 27, 2015


THROUGH CONSCIOUS HAPPINESS WE CAN CREATE LIFE CIRCUMSTANCES OF OUR CHOICE, and expand our consciousness J The state of Conscious Happiness IS our choice. Like everything else, that we consciously experience, it requires our attention in order to be initiated and then maintained. We are not talking here about your emotional response to the external circumstances. The joy, sadness, anger or frustration you may feel while reacting to people or situations – speak only of the state of your perception.  Depending on your vision of yourself and your vision of the world - you react and experience your life, yourself and the world around you in a particular way.
All of us are capable of changing the old patterns of thinking and learning how to better maintain the state of happiness. We can begin right now J
Remember: what we think and do is the blueprint for what we receive and who we become J Our thoughts behave exactly the same as our actions - in the huge Energy field that everything belongs to: from human cells to planets, stars and galaxies. Everything we know and can think of behaves according to the 8 Universal Laws for Energy. From Einstein, Tesla, Quantum Physics and ancient mystics, philosophers and belief systems – we know that everything is Energy. Science continues to research our origins and physics discover more and more about how the whole “system” works.
When we send out a thought, it behaves like other energy waves, vibrating with a particular frequency – either higher or lower. And that depends on what kind of intention lies behind our thought. It has been observed by researchers that the higher the frequency of vibrations, the higher impact they have on everything else. In other words: the higher the vibration of our thought, the faster and more profoundly we create our reality, the experiences of our life.

That phenomenon has not been only observed in quantum field theory but also, interestingly, by many philosophers, mystics and belief systems, for thousands of years. It has been observed that expanded consciousness, altruism, unconditional Love – are the ‘higher virtues’, being of the higher frequency and falling into the category of Gamma brainwaves – that have the biggest power, changing ‘reality’ in a blink of an eye. Think for instance of Mahatma Gandhi, and how he had affected many lives with his high consciousness.

Conscious Happiness is a direct path to living a Beautiful Life:
joyous, healthy, abundant and fulfilled.

Begin by observing the people and events appearing in your life. Notice the true human kindness residing beneath their imperfections. Deep down, we all want the same: a peaceful, happy and fulfilled life.
Look for the harmony in all events. Start perceiving everything and everyone as a part of one huge energy field, where all of us are connected. Just like drops in the ocean, we are all part of that big ocean: each of us having our individual experiences, yet being a part of a huge community, the symbolic ocean, where all of us are interconnected. In that sense – we are never alone J
Whether we are conscious of that or not, we belong to the world in the same way, as the world belongs to us J
Taking this step toward Conscious Happiness, you will experience a shift in your consciousness, and move from discomfort to the awareness of Love and Joy, residing in all life.
Useful affirmation for week one:

I have the power to change my own life. I have the power to make a positive impact on my environment. I am capable of making the world a better place for myself and others. I am one of the many beautiful people and I can see the reflection of myself in others. We are all the same, and yet we are all unique. I love who I am and I have the power to leave a powerful, positive imprint in the world.” – from the book “365 (+1) Affirmations to Create a Great Life” by Johanna Kern.
And before all:
Relax. All is good. All is just the way it is supposed to be J

Next time we will talk about the Second Step to creating happiness in our lives J

Tuesday, June 23, 2015

Consciousness and Happiness

When happiness leaks out from our life due to daily struggle, stress, worries and busyness of life – we stop being conscious, and we miss out not only on the beauty and importance of our existence, but also on the gifts that life and the Universe offers us in abundance. The level of our consciousness is directly linked to the level of our happiness. The higher the level of our consciousness, the more happiness we are able to create in life for ourselves and for others. The happier we are, the bigger grows our consciousness.
It has been scientifically proven that happy people are healthier, both physically and emotionally, live longer, and have much more fulfilling lives than the grumpy, complaining and, therefore, unhappy among us.
According to psychologists and researchers, happy people tend to challenge themselves – and so, they accomplish much more. The simple secret behind this is that working toward an accomplishment gives us a feeling of fulfilling a life purpose and makes us feel good. What’s interesting, that happy feeling is more profound during working toward our goals than after we have reached them. Why? Because doing things brings us more joy than having things: doing things equals creating memories, “happy coins” which then we store in our “bank of happy investments”. Whenever we think back to those joyous memories, the “happy coins” elevate our mood, give us confidence in ourselves and let us trust that we live in a safe, friendly world.  
Happiness helps us generate new ideas, go beyond specific information, think outside the box and come up with more creative solutions. It is the door opening to better understanding of the mechanisms of life, expanding our consciousness and reaching far beyond our limitations.
The good news is that happiness can be learned. Yes, we can rewire our brains for happiness J We can become happier, more effective, enjoying and creating the life we want and deserve:
“I distance myself from the negative self-talk. Whenever thoughts of my inability to be successful, happy or loved cross my mind – I label them ‘old thoughts’. I replace them with ‘new thoughts’ repeating to myself: I can do, feel and achieve anything I want. I can be anything I want and have the life I deserve and desire for myself.” – from the book “365 (+1) Affirmations to Create a Great Life” by Johanna Kern.
Next time we will talk about the seven steps to creating happiness in our lives J

Saturday, June 13, 2015

What can we do about our Consciousness? Step One.

THE FIRST STEP IN CREATING WHAT WE WANT, IS TO LET GO OF WHAT DOESN’T WORK J Within the past decades, the modern science has been catching up with the ancient Masters’ understanding of the nature of reality, and redefining our concept of how it works. What does that mean? It means that we are living in times when true change in our consciousness may help us to make true changes on our planet: in the way we live our lives, work, think, and treat human beings and entire nature J

Soon technology will provide humans with all they need: 3D printers are already available, labs producing real leather and organs will soon lead to labs producing real food, vehicles, houses… Money will disappear, not needed, not wanted anymore. What will be the next currency on our planet, when all the money is gone? When everyone can have everything they want, at any time they want? The next stage of human development is already around the corner. When we look at the recent events in politics and economy, the next currency is already becoming obvious: power. It’s always been about power after all; only money was the means to get it. What is the meaning of having power? It means that you can decide the fate and lives of people, and of this planet. Thus far one could obtain such power through threatening people’s survival, through giving them financial rewards, bribing or killing. With money gone, that too will be gone. The paper power will have to be replaced by real power – and what it will be, will depend on the state of our consciousness.  Will we, again, give away the power over our own lives? Or will we create new ways of living our lives, fulfilling our dreams; creating happiness for ourselves and those we care about? How will we change the way we think and function? Can we do it now? Can we change what has become our consciousness?

And what is consciousness?

The one described by medicine or psychology refers to our experience of ourselves while operating via our senses. The one described by ancient Masters, as well as being researched by many scientists, refers to our experience beyond senses, beyond body/brain capacity, beyond time and space. For example: while we operate on the level of Gamma brainwaves – as in deep meditation, trance or under narcosis when we seem to be unconscious, we still can perceive ourselves and “reality” due to “expanded consciousness”. The medicine and scientists consider it a big puzzle, since Gamma brainwaves are being generated above the frequency of neuronal firing (that is - our brain isn’t capable of producing such frequency). And that consciousness can be described as a current, a signal that vibrates with a certain frequency.

That frequency, further, depends on how big the consciousness has progressed in its expansion/growth. And that is because the progression equals expansion. The bigger the expansion, the higher/faster is the frequency of the vibration of the consciousness.

The biggest miracle of our life is that we can expand our consciousness. Remember that
what we think of ourselves is often dictated by our old conditioning: either by what we learned to believe about ourselves - what was imprinted in us by our parents, teachers or other so called authority figures who made us think of ourselves in a certain way.

In the darkest corners, you can always find things that clutter your vision of yourself, your vision of the world, and before all – the vision of your Heart. To get rid of the old patterns, we need to have a fresh look at what really limits us and robs us from fulfillment and happiness in life.


The first step in expanding our consciousness is letting ourselves open our Mind, and learn to listen to the wisdom of our Heart. Deep down we all want the same: happiness, love, a chance for a peaceful and meaningful life.

Why not give ourselves what we want? Why not find our own power, and live the life we deserve? We are capable of most powerful and amazing things. We can be humans in the most beautiful way J <3

I will continue with the steps of expanding and changing our consciousness next weekend J

More information about consciousness, happiness, personal power and how to create/change our reality you can find in the book “Master and the Green-Eyed Hope”.

Wednesday, June 10, 2015

Circumstances don't make us.

And who we are is often misunderstood for what we call our identity, a sense of a particular, defined being.
Let’s have a look at how we usually define ourselves:
1. By perceiving ourselves through our senses/brain.
2. By perceiving ourselves through experiencing.
We are able to perceive ourselves because of our consciousness. And – our consciousness may also be defined in two ways:
1.     Consciousness of one’s existence as described by medicine or psychology: as long as we are able to operate via our senses, medicine considers us “conscious”.
2.     Consciousness that operates beyond senses, beyond body/brain capacity, beyond time and space. For example: while we operate on the level of Gamma brainwaves – as in deep meditation, trance or under narcosis when we seem to be unconscious, we still can perceive ourselves and “reality” due to “expanded consciousness”. The medicine and scientists consider it a big puzzle, since Gamma brainwaves are being generated above the frequency of neuronal firing (that is - our brain isn’t capable of producing such frequency).
In order to understand who we truly are, and not mistake it with our identity – we need to look deeper into our consciousness beyond the senses. Consciousness does not stop when our brain goes into a coma, or when we are “out of it” due to any other kind of disconnection from our senses.
What is consciousness? To put it simply: it is a current, a signal that vibrates with a certain frequency. That frequency, further, depends on how big the consciousness has progressed in its expansion/growth. And that is because the progression equals expansion. The bigger the expansion, the higher/faster is the frequency of the vibration of the consciousness.
The innate nature of consciousness is to grow, to expand. If, for any reason the consciousness is not expanding, not raising its frequency of vibration – it will slow down/decrease, and – eventually – stop, cease to exist as consciousness.
The main thing that can stop the consciousness that you are from existing is your lack of progress and lowering the frequency of your vibration.
Interestingly enough: what raises the vibration of our consciousness, as discovered by researchers, are for instance, the states of altruism, compassion, and the universal love – i.e. the “higher virtues”. 
Over the past weeks I have been talking about the 8 Universal Laws, and how they can help you live better life, at the same time assuring your progress, and raising the vibration of your consciousness. If you missed that – please go back to those posts.

After all, it would be wonderful to continue our existence: we have been given the tools to do so, already thousands of years ago J The ancient cultures knew those tools well, and created a whole system of symbols to affect their subconscious and consciousness, in order to inspire and create the reality for themselves. Over the next while I will be posting some of that knowledge in relation to what we are: the consciousness beyond senses, and how, as such, we operate.  Remember, we have a choice “to be or not to be”, just as we have a choice to be happy, and have the life we want as opposed to living the one we don’t J <3