WHAT WE WANT, IS TO LET GO OF WHAT DOESN’T WORK J Within the past decades, the modern science
has been catching up with the ancient Masters’ understanding of the nature of
reality, and redefining our concept of how it works. What does that mean? It
means that we are living in times when true change in our consciousness may
help us to make true changes on our planet: in the way we live our lives, work,
think, and treat human beings and entire nature J
Soon technology
will provide humans with all they need: 3D printers are already available, labs
producing real leather and organs will soon lead to labs producing real food,
vehicles, houses… Money will disappear, not needed, not wanted anymore. What
will be the next currency on our planet, when all the money is gone? When
everyone can have everything they want, at any time they want? The next stage
of human development is already around the corner. When we look at the recent
events in politics and economy, the next currency is already becoming obvious:
power. It’s always been about power after all; only money was the means to get
it. What is the meaning of having power? It means that you can decide the fate and
lives of people, and of this planet. Thus far one could obtain such power
through threatening people’s survival, through giving them financial rewards, bribing
or killing. With money gone, that too will be gone. The paper power will have
to be replaced by real power – and what it will be, will depend on the state of
our consciousness. Will we, again, give
away the power over our own lives? Or will we create new ways of living our
lives, fulfilling our dreams; creating happiness for ourselves and those we
care about? How will we change the way we think and function? Can we do it now?
Can we change what has become our consciousness?
And what is
The one
described by medicine or psychology refers to our experience of ourselves while
operating via our senses. The one described by ancient Masters, as well as
being researched by many scientists, refers to our experience beyond senses,
beyond body/brain capacity, beyond time and space. For example: while we
operate on the level of Gamma brainwaves – as in deep meditation, trance or
under narcosis when we seem to be unconscious, we still can perceive ourselves
and “reality” due to “expanded consciousness”. The medicine and scientists
consider it a big puzzle, since Gamma brainwaves are being generated above the
frequency of neuronal firing (that is - our brain isn’t capable of producing
such frequency). And that consciousness can be described as a current, a signal
that vibrates with a certain frequency.
That frequency,
further, depends on how big the consciousness has progressed in its
expansion/growth. And that is because the progression equals expansion. The
bigger the expansion, the higher/faster is the frequency of the vibration of
the consciousness.
The biggest
miracle of our life is that we can expand our consciousness. Remember that
what we think of ourselves is often dictated by
our old conditioning: either by what we learned to believe about ourselves -
what was imprinted in us by our parents, teachers or other so called authority
figures who made us think of ourselves in a certain way.
In the darkest corners, you
can always find things that clutter your vision of yourself, your vision of the
world, and before all – the vision of your Heart. To get rid of the old
patterns, we need to have a fresh look at what really limits us and robs us
from fulfillment and happiness in life.
The first step in expanding
our consciousness is letting ourselves open our Mind, and learn to listen to
the wisdom of our Heart. Deep down we all want the same: happiness, love, a
chance for a peaceful and meaningful life.
Why not give ourselves what
we want? Why not find our own power, and live the life we deserve? We are
capable of most powerful and amazing things. We can be humans in the most
beautiful way J <3
I will continue with the
steps of expanding and changing our consciousness next weekend J
More information about
consciousness, happiness, personal power and how to create/change our reality
you can find in the book “Master and the Green-Eyed Hope”.
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