"Skyway" (C) Sound of Light Design - click on the image to see more pictures of the amazing artist

Friday, June 5, 2015

The 8th Universal Law: 'The Law of Infinity'

WHEN SCIENTISTS SAY THAT WHAT WE PERCEIVE AS OUR PHYSICAL/MATERIAL WORLD IS NOT MATERIAL AT ALL, they mean that everything is Energy J According to Einstein: “energy cannot be created or destroyed, it can only be changed from one form to another.” And According to the 8th Universal Law for Energy, ‘The Law of Infinity’: nothing can change in the material world, until all of the particles free themselves from the effects of the 8 Universal Laws through transformation. To better understand what exactly we mean by “Infinity” – let’s have a brief look at some early scientists, philosophers and theologians:   

-       Zeno of Elea (490 BC – 430 BC) – first introduced the concept of the infinite in the West (although a few years before him, there was already idea of “boundlessness” in existence).
-       Pythagoras (570 BC - 495 BC) – discovered the irrational numbers, numbers that go on to infinity.
-       Mahavira  (599 BC - 527 BC), also known as Vardhamana,
and Indian philosopher and the founder of one of the oldest religions in the world, Jainism (practitioners believe that nonviolence and self-control are the means by which they can obtain liberation). Some of the well known historical figures practicing Jainism were Martin Luther King, Jr. and Mahatma Ghandi. Mahavira speculated on what goes without ending and the truly limitless. He also differentiated between the infinite: infinite in length, infinite in area, infinite in volume, and perpetually infinite.
-       Aristotle (384 BC - 322 BC) – argued that there is a distinction between the actual and potential infinity: actual infinity is something that is completed and definite and consists of infinitely many elements. Potential infinity is something that is never complete: more and more elements can be always added, but never an infinite number of them.
-       Thomas Aquinas (1225 -1274), philosopher, theologian – differentiated between the mathematical infinite and the religious/philosophical infinite. He stated that he was interested not in quantity, but in quality of existence, and that a way of existing sets God apart from anything else – God being the perfect existence.
-       Nicolas of Cusa (1402-1464), philosopher, theologian: used mathematics to describe the God-world relation. He explained that infinite has no limits; therefore everything must be included within the infinite. God is the circle whose center is everywhere and whose circumference is therefore nowhere. According to his theory, nothing can be outside of God.
-       Baruch Spinoza (1632 – 1677), philosopher: in his work, “Ethics, Demonstrated in Geometrical Order”, he said that if God is the one infinite substance, and there can’t be other substances than this one. The substance must have infinite attributes, and we can’t be separate beings so we must be formed of the one. He perceived God as not a transcendent being, but as absolutely one with nature. And stated that we need to live according to the laws of nature, to be a part of that one infinite whole.

As we can see from the above, both science and various belief systems have occupied themselves with the topic of Infinity. In fact, it is science that has been “catching up”, while many belief systems have already talked about it for thousands of years:
-       Buddhist philosophy argues for an infinitely continuing (forward and reverse) state of existence, with no center, nor any permanent entity underpinning it.
-       Hindu cosmology is non-dualistic. Everything that is, is Brahman. Brahman is the eternal Now, and in eternity there is no before or after, for everything is everywhere, always.
-       In Islam, there are references in the Qur'an that attribute Infinity to God. Just in the same way as the biggest number cannot be comprehensible then in the same way God also cannot be described in human terms or equated to just a simple word.
-       Judaism believes in one God, who is eternal. God is beyond even the concept of beyond. 
-       Christian religion believes in eternal God and, interestingly enough, gives the definition for the 8th Universal Law in the Bible: Matthew, verses 5:17 and 5:18 - Do not think that I came to abolish the Law or the Prophets; I did not come to abolish, but to fulfill. For truly I say to you, until heaven and earth pass away, not the smallest letter or stroke shall pass away from the Law, until all is accomplished.”
As we can see, while science talks about everything being a part of one huge Energy field, many belief systems talk about God being all there is, and containing everything within.
No matter whether it is science or a belief system that resonates the most with our own inner Truth, one thing remains the same: we are all part of one whole, and we are all connected. We are all subject to 8 Universal Laws – no matter how they are being described or explained by science or philosophy. The Laws are always at work, effecting us at all times, whether we are aware of it or not. The 8th Universal Law, ‘The Law of Infinity’ – tells us that nothing can be changed in the way things work in the material world, until every single last particle will transform, and free itself from the effects of the Universal Laws. It means that we need to be conscious of how we create and co-create our ‘reality’ in order to live the life we want: happy, conscious, full of experiences that assure our growth. It’s not as difficult, as it might seem J It is enough to be aware of and pay attention to the 8 Universal Laws. They can help us to live a better life, if we only allow it. We are here, on our planet, to experience and express ourselves in the best possible, beautiful way. We are humans. And within us we have imprinted our best potential J <3
The 8 Universal Laws are:
The Law of Cause and Effect
The Law of Originating, Growing and Passing
The Law of Reduction and Expansion
The Law of Appearances
The Law of Chain Reaction
The Law of Self-Direction
The Law of Matrix and Volume
The Law of Infinity

You can find out how the Universal Laws work and affect us by reading my previous posts. For more details read the book “Master and the Green-Eyed Hope”.

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