We all
have dreams. We all like envisioning the best possible outcome of our lives. Yet
dreams need our help to come true. We need to reach for what we want. However,
many of us have probably experienced a situation, one way or another, when we
felt so afraid of failing at something that we decided not to try at all. You
might as well remember times, when you had undermined your own efforts – in
order to avoid the “big failure” you had pictured in your head, the moment it
was time to move forward. The fear of failing can become your worst nightmare
at any time. Even when you think you have everything under control - when
you’ve done your research, designed your plan and are ready to act. It will
stop you in your tracks, push you backwards and keep you captive for as long,
as you will let it. That’s right: as long, as you will let it. Watch for such
signs as: procrastination, perfectionism (you won’t proceed with something,
unless you are sure you can complete it in a successful and perfect way),
self-sabotage (you won’t follow through with your goals always finding some
excuse), speaking and thinking of yourself in a negative way (low self-esteem),
prolonging anxiety of change etc. When you discover that you do have fear of
failure – remember one thing: it’s all about perspective. What scares you in
your Mind, in reality can be not as bad. The first step to overcoming fear of
failure, is understanding that a perception can be changed. We all know
failure. We have failed many times when we were learning to walk. It didn’t
stop us from walking, did it? Failing is not so bad, it’s just the other side
of the coin called “success”. When you toss a coin, it lands on one side. If
you don’t like how it landed, you can flip it again. You can flip it as many
times as you want until it lands the way you want it. It just requires your
effort, persistence and your decision to get what you want. If someone else in
the world has already done things similar to what you dream about – it means it
can be done. It can be done by a human, just like yourself. And, if you think
that something you attempt has never been done yet – remember: there has been,
there is and there always will be a situation when someone, just like you, does
something for the first time. That is – “the first time” has been done too!
Start with small steps. Let yourself succeed at them. Then you will know that
big steps consists of many small steps. Get any help you’ll find to build up
your self-esteem and go for it. You can have what you want, what you need, what
you dream about. Because you are worth it. Truly. Good luck! I’m keeping my fingers crossed for you!
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